How do we know that the Universe is Real, and Not Just an illusion?
If I could prove to you that illusions are real, then would you admit the universe would be real, even if it were an illusion?
Starting with something basic:
The illusion of water is of course a mirage. Mirages are real.
Here is a defining image of "illusion" straight from Wikipedia:
The illusion of a kid's head on a platter... is of course a simple magic trick using mirrors. The magic trick is real.
Here is a famous painting by M.C. Escher called "Relativity":
The illusion of an infinite staircase is of course an optical illusion that cannot be built, but can be drawn on paper. This technique is real.
Other popular examples of illusions include dreams and computer simulations. What if this were all a dream? But dreams are our bored brains seeing things while we're asleep. These brains that dream are real. What if this were all a simulation? Simulations are programs that run on computers. Both the program and the computer are real.
To be more technical, all of these things we call illusions exist at the level of perception and interpretation. At this level, everything is abstract and "soft" as in software. Even the reality we experience is a construct of the mind. All animals experience reality based on how their brain works, and those experiences differ. Only humans experience the world as humans do.
But for there to be software, there needs to be hardware that runs it. This hardware is real, and is imperative. There is always hardware, and there is always a well formed structure or configuration that corresponds to its consequences. This is the implementation. Every abstraction has an implementation.
To dream, there must be a brain. To simulate, there must be a computer. To draw an infinite staircase, there must be ink and paper. To perform magic, there must be a trick. To see a mirage, there must be warm air to bend the light.
Furthermore, any implementation can be scientifically deconstructed and understood. We can also create new implementations based on our acquired understanding. This is called engineering, and this application of science is called technology.
If you find an illusion that is an illusion to the very end, you could make your mark on science. But until then, this statement holds true:
The perceived universe may not always be real, but the universe is not an illusion.
Another version:
The universe can be illusive, but everything is real.
And that's what we know.
Quantum Entanglement Verified: Why Space is Just the Construct That Gives the Illusion of Separate Objects
“Space is just the construct that gives the illusion that there are separate objects” – Dr. Quantum
by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution
There is a phenomenon so strange, so fascinating, and so counter to what we believe to be the known scientific laws of the universe, that Einstein himself could not wrap his head around it. It’s called “quantum entanglement,” though Einstein referred to it as “spooky action at a distance.”
An experiment devised by the Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, led by Professor Howard Wiseman and his team of researchers at the university of Tokyo, recently published a paper in the journal Nature Communications confirming what Einstein did not believe to be real: the non-local collapse of a particle’s wave function. (1), (2)
by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution
There is a phenomenon so strange, so fascinating, and so counter to what we believe to be the known scientific laws of the universe, that Einstein himself could not wrap his head around it. It’s called “quantum entanglement,” though Einstein referred to it as “spooky action at a distance.”
An experiment devised by the Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, led by Professor Howard Wiseman and his team of researchers at the university of Tokyo, recently published a paper in the journal Nature Communications confirming what Einstein did not believe to be real: the non-local collapse of a particle’s wave function. (1), (2)
Wiesmen stated that:
In doing so, researchers were able to verify the entanglement of the split single photon.
Wisemen went on to state that:
“This phenomenon is the strongest yet proof of the entanglement of a single particle, an unusual form of quantum entanglement that is being increasingly explored for quantum communication and computation.” (1)They did this by splitting a single photon between two laboratories, and testing whether measurement of it in one laboratory would actually cause a change in the local quantum state in the other laboratory.
In doing so, researchers were able to verify the entanglement of the split single photon.
Wisemen went on to state that:
“Einstein’s view was that the detection of the particle only ever at one point could be much better explained by the hypothesis that the particle is only ever at one point, without invoking the instantaneous collapse of the wave function to nothing at all other points. However, rather than simply detecting the presence or absence of the particle, we used homodyne measurements enabling one party to make different measurements and the other, using quantum tomography, to test the effect of those choices.” (1)Here is a great illustration from Dr. Quantum, as seen in the film “What The Bleep: Down The Rabbit Hole.”
So what is going on here? Either information is travelling faster than the speed of light, or, the vast distance we perceive between the objects really doesn’t exist at all! Either possibility is mind altering.
In quantum mechanics, one or more particles can be described as a wavefunction that spreads over extrememly large distances, but never detected in two or more places. Nonlocality refers to measurements that are made at the smallest, microscopic levels.
When scientists examine matter at this level, the laws of classical science, or “classical mechanics,” seem to be thrown out of the equation, and long held notions about the nature of reality don’t seem to apply anymore. This is what has baffled scientists for decades.
Collapse of the wave function occurs whe an observer is introduced. In essence, the very act of measurement changes that which is being measured. This is best illustrated by what is known as the “quantum double slit experiment.” You can see an example of that from Dr. Quantum, here.
Particles are in many places at once, and exist in multiple probable states. This means that, as seen in the video linked in the paragraph above, if an electron was fired through two slits at a screen, it would go through both of them.
However, once you introduce an observer (cameras, measurement), the particle only goes through one of the slits, rather than both. The very act of measurement, again, collapses the wave function.
A paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays by Dean Radin, PhD, explains how this experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature of physical reality. It’s a great example of how the simple act of observation collapses the quantum wave function. (3)
Learn more: Physicists Say Consciousness May Be A State Of Matter: The Non-Physical Is Indeed Real
Some physcisists have felt that other physicists have taken these findings and drawn absurd conclusions about consciousness and the nature of reality, like this one:
I elaborate on this and go into more detail regarding why many phsycists believe consciousness to be a major factor with regards to quantum phyics in this article:
Consciousness creates reality – physicsts admit the universe is immaterial, metal and spiritual.
In quantum mechanics, one or more particles can be described as a wavefunction that spreads over extrememly large distances, but never detected in two or more places. Nonlocality refers to measurements that are made at the smallest, microscopic levels.
When scientists examine matter at this level, the laws of classical science, or “classical mechanics,” seem to be thrown out of the equation, and long held notions about the nature of reality don’t seem to apply anymore. This is what has baffled scientists for decades.
Collapse of the wave function occurs whe an observer is introduced. In essence, the very act of measurement changes that which is being measured. This is best illustrated by what is known as the “quantum double slit experiment.” You can see an example of that from Dr. Quantum, here.
Particles are in many places at once, and exist in multiple probable states. This means that, as seen in the video linked in the paragraph above, if an electron was fired through two slits at a screen, it would go through both of them.
However, once you introduce an observer (cameras, measurement), the particle only goes through one of the slits, rather than both. The very act of measurement, again, collapses the wave function.
A paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays by Dean Radin, PhD, explains how this experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature of physical reality. It’s a great example of how the simple act of observation collapses the quantum wave function. (3)
Learn more: Physicists Say Consciousness May Be A State Of Matter: The Non-Physical Is Indeed Real
Some physcisists have felt that other physicists have taken these findings and drawn absurd conclusions about consciousness and the nature of reality, like this one:
"A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a ‘mental’ construction."Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote:
"The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual." – R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, “The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005) (source)Are you really going to refer to R.C Henry as a pseudoscientist? Or Max Planck, or Eugene Wiger?
I elaborate on this and go into more detail regarding why many phsycists believe consciousness to be a major factor with regards to quantum phyics in this article:
Consciousness creates reality – physicsts admit the universe is immaterial, metal and spiritual.
“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulating consciousness.” — Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918
“It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.” Eugene Wigner, theoretical physicist and mathematician. He received a share of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963.Reference:
Is the world as we percieve it real or just an illusion of our brains?
The world as we see it is developed by our perceptual mechanical assembly, which incorporates our sense organs and our brain, which has been very adapted by involvement to choose and sort out tactile contribution to explicit ways. An entryway is seen in all respects contrastingly by a craftsman, a mouse, and a termite, despite the fact that a great many people would concur that the entryway as a "thing in itself" continues as before. Daze individuals have figured out how to see by setting on their tongue an exceptionally pixelated chip associated with a camcorder. After rehashed presentation, neural associations in the brain are initiated that connect the electrical driving forces got by nerves in the tongue to the visual cortex so they can see fundamental shapes and structures, for example, different walkers on a walkway. This exhibits the brain assumes a functioning job in developing the psychological portrayals we have of our general surroundings.
A few strands of Indian philospophy guarantee that the main the truth is the unitary field of Brahman (the totality, wholeness, or unadulterated Being), and that the world that we experience before illumination is a deceptive burden on the all-swarming truth of Brahman.
However in edification, the world does not vanish; the illusion of the world being made out of independent articles vanishes, and all wonders are seen as only Brahman, as adjusted conditions of boundless, unceasing, unadulterated awareness.
Brahman is portrayed as "sat-chit-ananda" - being, awareness, and ecstasy - and wonders are experienced as types of Brahman, similar to waves rising and falling on the sea. A story is informed that shows the effect of illuminated observation on common life: A resident goes into a room in his home and sees a lethal snake in the corner. He comes up short on the house and frenzies the whole family with dread of the snake. The granddad roll in from the fields and offers to investigate the issue. He goes into the room, looks carefully, and sees that the snake is only a rope. The end result for the snake? It vanishes; it never existed in any case. The end result for the dread and frenzy brought about by the family's confidence in the truth of the deceptive snake? They break up, supplanted by happiness and appreciation. So it is the point at which one sees reality for what it's worth: dread and the perpetual hopelessness that dread causes break down as one understands that there is no reason for dread in actuality, that "this is only That."
Somebody who really realizes what they are discussing will ideally answer.
In any case, somewhat we live in a computer generated experience reenactment running in our psyche. Our optical nerves don't have the data transmission to filter the earth around us, nor do we gangs the preparing power required to "manufacture" the scene continuously.
So our mind as of now posseses a diversion of most what we see, with our eyes maybe filling in the dynamic components or things or region of intrigue.
Think about our eyes. Our focal vision has the most noteworthy megapixel thickness of our sensor. Be that as it may, just had a couple movement detecting line of sight. Our fringe vision is extremely old-school, 2 megapixel, however bunches of line of sight to detect movement. Upgraded asset and data transfer capacity.
Watch a meteor shower. "Specialists" will reveal to you where the cause is, at that point instruct you to take a gander at an alternate piece of the sky. Our fringe vision will distinguish the movement and our brains will divert the focal vision once the movement is identified.
Maybe the mind procedures or renders our "reality" utilizing tiles, with more cycles connected to the Central territory of center, and the fringe has its very own center committed to movement location. Try not to tell Nvidia, Maxwell quitly implented tile based rendering I read. I would prefer not to pay sovereignties each time I open my eyes.
So, it is our mind filling in the holes.
Not a "Trial," or reproduction brought about by 2 string universes chancing upon one another. Simply the astounding human personality optiming assets and CPU cycles.
Or on the other hand I am amassing what I have perused into a unimaginable chaos.
YMMV. No guarantee is either suggested or surmised. May cause ED, anxious leg disorder, demise or disturbed grin.
A more efficient way of expressing this question might be: Is this world an illusion created by my brain?
But since you have asked if it is possible, I have to answer that there is no way for you to know. We use evidence to establish if something is true or not. It is the best way to come to correct conclusions.
Within the illusion that you think your brain is creating, is there a way for you to establish the truth? If the illusion is perfect, then you are stuck. But it still does not mean that it is possible. Perhaps it is impossible. Who knows? You certainly don’t.
If the illusion is imperfect however and there is a way for you to find out if you are in an illusion created by your brain, you may try that method.
What kind of method will allow you to bypass the illusion created by your brain? Simple — other brains.
If the illusion is imperfect and you do find a way — a hole — through which you can have access to the findings of other people’s brains, then you can compare what your brain is telling you with what they say is true.
You can then compare these differing outputs and come to conclusions about what constitutes reality.
Time actually just methods Change. Everything is changing continually and the idea of Time as a progression of discrete units is only an advantageous strategy for utilizing this change to compose our lives. Denoting the progression of time/change was first practiced by viewing the development of the sun, first with sun dials, at that point with the creation of watches, the hands of which impersonate the entry of the sun over the skies. Left to directly in the northern half of the globe, which is the reason that turned out to be 'clockwise'. Time is never again estimated by following the sun, yet notwithstanding now being estimated in millionths of a second, chronometers are still just estimating the rate of progress. It pursues, at that point, that time travel as expounded on in fiction is inconceivable, in light of the fact that time isn't a line we move along, it's basically change, so we can't go 'back'.
Both. In the event that your brain lets you know there's a divider before you, for the most part there is. In any case, it isn't generally a divider, it's only an accumulation of molecules masterminded in a specific lattice, and seeing the divider includes getting reflected light from the sun, changing over it into electrical driving forces, and reordering it into a simulacrum of something we've figured out how to perceive, that we call 'divider".
I don't know whether any of that is 'genuine', or only an illusion. I will in general feel that things that aren't there are illusions, or on the off chance that we trust them to have characteristics that others don't see. I'm not closed minded about this current, it's only a functional method for managing the everyday routine. On the off chance that somebody reveals to me that gravity's an illusion, at that point I'll be intrigued, as long as I can have a similar illusion and go flying.
Converse with somebody a hundred years back about the web, and they will bolt you up, in this way denying you of the possibility of purchasing facebook shares at start-up. That is an extravagant, not an illusion.
This is fun, similar to your inquiry.
Wait a minute ...
The X variable in this diagram will change your life
Its whole nature is in the diagram
Human life is too short compared to eternity.
So I created a short description drawing and portrayed the essence of X. It will not take much of your time, a short period of time in the infinite time of eternity.
If you have comments on the diagram, please leave a comment to help me, or you can contact via Email:, or contact via personal FB:
I hope every meaningful and good thing will come to you, at least in the diagram of X.
The X variable in this diagram will change your life
Its whole nature is in the diagram

So I created a short description drawing and portrayed the essence of X. It will not take much of your time, a short period of time in the infinite time of eternity.
If you have comments on the diagram, please leave a comment to help me, or you can contact via Email:, or contact via personal FB:
I hope every meaningful and good thing will come to you, at least in the diagram of X.
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