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Negative Forces (Seem to) Respect Freewill

There are many ways negative forces can influence targeted individuals. Two common methods are through reality manipulation and matrix agents.

This article discusses the important roles freewill and awareness play in such cases, which may explain why negative forces often maneuver the way they do.

Matrix Agents: Profiles and Analysis and True Reality Creation provide background material for this article.

If God is ultimately in control, how can free will exist?

Since the notions of freewill and god lack empirical evidence, would it be intellectually and logically inconsistent for an atheist to support the existence of freewill?

Skeptics can likewise put stock in 9/11 trutherism, Holocaust refusal, Bigfoot, and so on. They're not superhuman reasoning machines; they're perfect about the god issue. Like individuals who trust that the Earth is round - they can at present not be right about whatever else. There are still a lot of different ways for them to fall flat. 

On account of 'unrestrained choice' the issue is that there is no definition that everybody acknowledges. On the off chance that determinism is dead and what's to come is capricious as an outcome of quantum mechanics then many will call that 'free'. In the event that it's not simply ourselves who are required to be not able know our future choices, yet 'the best conceivable personality', at that point we get the opportunity to contend about the meaning of this most prominent conceivable personality. Will the best conceivable personality reestablish determinism with a sub-quantum hypothesis? How might our not exactly most prominent personalities know what it could and couldn't know? What's more, if this most prominent conceivable personality doesn't exist, would we say we are 'free' until it appears? Still others will demand that numbness of things to come isn't choice, as a stone tumbling arbitrarily down a slope is 'free' yet isn't normally thought of as having 'will'. They would require an elective material science to apply to minds however not rocks. Until we can concur upon what the 'ask for' of through and through freedom is, the discussion will be unbeneficial. 

For the occasion, there is no motivation to regard minds as one of a kind frameworks - there was no motivation to ever imagine that they were absolved from causality, until material science demonstrated that all frameworks have a key causality issue. Indistinguishable tests in QM can have diverse results without cause, and the 'shrouded factors' hypotheses that could modify the investigations as being not by any means indistinguishable to reestablish determinism (causing the distinctions) have so far neglected to supersede QM. 

Parallelism doesn't infer causality 

Both the possibility of God and freewill offer some normal qualities. 

The individuals who experience the nearness of a God in their life, and the individuals who are persuaded to practice genuine decisions when taking choices, are profoundly persuaded about the truth of those encounters. 

Both need to confront a standout amongst the most well known agnostic statement : 

That which can be affirmed without proof, can be rejected without proof  

Presently a theist can acknowledge the possibility that there is no genuine decision, that from the first begining the universe is deterministic and that the main significance of life is to encounter the nearness of God, therefore this is definitely not a typical view. 

With a similar rationale a skeptic can be persuaded that awareness pursues some shrouded principles, breaking so the determinist properties of the universe. All things considered Bell's hypothesis will in general demonstrate that by pith, genuine arbitrariness is conceivable. 

The most developed hypotheses toward the end will in general demonstrate the nonappearance of any reality. The infringement of Leggett's imbalances is considered to have misrepresented authenticity in quantum mechanics 

So skeptics may bolster the presence of freewill or its nonappearance. 


This inquiry can be considered as a superb extension among theists and nonbelievers. The profound sentiment of freewill stays a standout amongst the best representations for the profound sentiment of significance inside human personality. It causes each other to comprehend what "alternate" feels profoundly inside his body and soul. 

As I would like to think the association between through and through freedom and Theism is amazingly fluffy. As per religious principles unrestrained choice is a blessing from their god (s). However, is it truly? 

On the off chance that the god being referred to is Omnipotent, at that point he definitely knows our decisions. In the event that he knows, at that point unrestrained choice is truly smoke and mirrors. An enchantment trap where the endowment of through and through freedom is a hallucination. The god gives 2 decisions just, do what I direction and receive the benefits or don't do what I order and endure the discipline. The unrestrained choice segment is along these lines a Pavlov preparing exercise. 

As an Atheist I do not have this god segment when settling on a choice. I don't confidence in destiny. The words I am choosing are originating from musings that I make. Activities originate from decisions I choose. 

Through and through freedom isn't an element, it is a procedure. To state we have no exact proof as we don't for a divine being idea is an apples and oranges correlation.

Reality Manipulation

Reality manipulations consist of acausal changes in one’s reality, performed by hostile hyperdimensional beings (4D STS) who reside outside one’s realm.

The acausal changes occur when the target is moved about the temporal plane spanned by the axes of linear and phase time. Linear time measures the progress of our perceived sense of time while we reside in third density, and phase time measures movement from one timeline or dimension to another.

Reality manipulation is identically a process of either moving an individual to a new spot on the temporal plane, or of merging his timeline or dimension with another that fits the engineered requirements of a 4D STS agenda.

The difference between moving to a new timeline or having one’s timeline merged with another is merely a matter of perspective. Being shifted about the temporal plane means an individual’s conscious locus is moved to a new timeline, complete with new memories of the past and possibilities for the future.

We are accustomed to thinking causally and within the framework of linear time, that outside forces can influence us only in the sense of affecting our possible futures, but some are equally capable of affecting our possible pasts.

Freewill Preventatively Hinders Reality Manipulation

The individual cannot be moved to just any new location on the temporal plane if he has freewill. His freewill anchors him to all points upon the temporal plane of which he has awareness.

These elements remain tied to him, and he is likewise tied to them. Any attempts by 4D STS to manipulate such elements automatically places them in direct engagement with his freewill, for such elements are anchored to his freewill via his awareness.

To avoid this engagement, reality manipulations tend to occur upon elements that are not tied to his freewill, those of which he is unconscious. This is why attacks come from the shadows, from where they are least expected.

When Prevention Fails

Sometimes engagement is unavoidable, then a secondary tactic of disinformation is used. An individual with false knowledge is at greater peril than one who has no knowledge because his freewill is then tied to pseudo elements, ones which are not firmly rooted in immovable objective reality.

These elements provide artificial handles upon his reality, graspable by those who created the disinformation. But this no longer involves acausal manipulation, but rather causal distraction and diversion.

Nevertheless, it greatly behooves 4D STS to ensure that targets remains as na“ve as possible so that their reality includes a greater portion of freely manipulable elements.

Clue Dropping

That targets are encouraged to remain na“ve may appear contradictory to the fact that some matrix agents tend to purposely clue-drop, waving warning signs in the face of their targets before proceeding with further infiltration. The clues can be anything literal or symbolic.

Literal clues include warning phrases said in seeming jest, their personal history, and behavior. Symbolic clues are ironic and may appear in their names, word choice, and synchronicities related to them.

Whatever it may be, it provides a clue that the target is in danger, much like the warning colors of a poisonous plant or the hiss of a snake.

If the target ignores the clues, then the agent proceeds with the next step. Each dropped clue is a subtle way of asking permission to get closer. Any ignorance of that clue is permission granted.

The question is, if 4D STS require that an individual has no awareness of certain elements of reality in order for them to be manipulated, then why do agents purposely drop clues and risk the individual gaining more awareness? Why risk revealing their agenda by giving hints?

The answer is that while reality manipulation is an acausal phenomenon that happens outside one’s realm and therefore beyond the engagement range of a target’s freewill, agents are within one’s realm and automatically in direct engagement with an individual’s freewill because of their sheer physical presence in one’s environment.

Once freewill is engaged, what applied to acausal reality manipulation becomes defunct.

Why 4D STS Subvert Rather Than Violate Freewill

All this becomes clear with the following realization: that 4D STS sometimes cannot, and other times choose not, to violate the freewill of a target. There are two ways to avoid violating freewill: either don’t engage it in the first place, or do only what the target permits.

Reality manipulation occurs from outside one’s realm, and so freewill is not engaged in such cases, so there is no freewill violation.

Agents, because they are in one’s realm already and in engagement with a target’s freewill, have no choice but subtly ask permission if they wish to not violate freewill or are not able to do so.

They cannot violate freewill in cases where they are engaging a freewill that is more powerful than theirs. This includes cases where an individual is stronger than they are, or where he has divine protection whereby sovereign beings intervene and overpower the lesser manipulators.

It also includes cases where the freewill of multiple beings is anchored to the same reality element and reinforces it beyond the manipulability threshold of 4D STS.

This is why although our timeline or reality can indeed be changed, there are limits to what they can change. They cannot change the entire timeline as they please, only elements that are relatively non-anchored.

Then there are cases where they are able to violate freewill, but choose not to. The reason is complex but will be explained here.

Realm Dynamics

According to the Cassiopaeans (read my warning on that source first), realms are divisions of reality based on experience and assumptions.

Beings in different realms have different assumptions about reality and will have different experiences; those in the same realm will have similar experiences.

The more a group of beings interact with each other, the more their realms merge. Two beings in completely different realms will rarely interact with or perceive each other.

Realms are basically fenced off from each other according to the FRV or frequency resonance vibration of an individual.

FRV is the strength and tone of his soul vibration based on the level of his being, which in turn depends upon his level of knowledge and direction of evolution, which is tied to his assumptions and experiences.

Realms also measure the engagement range of one’s freewill, and so entering a person’s realm means engaging his freewill.

Because two beings from completely different realms cannot directly interact with each other, for them to do so there must be a common element or bridge formed between their realms.

One way of looking at this is to think of the common element as a frequency bridge that provides resonance between the two and allows transfer of information and energy.

If both have a unique spectrum of fundamental vibration that would ordinarily share no common component frequencies, then the frequency bridge is the introduction of a common fundamental tone between the two realms.

4D STS exist in an extremely negative realm and are thus usually barred from perceiving or interacting tangibly with an individual that is of a completely different realm. In order to manipulate him in any way, they must use a frequency bridge which normally is the individual’s own negative emotions.

These negative emotions provide a frequency sub-spectrum that is in resonance with the realm of 4D STS and allows them to penetrate his realm and interact with him on some level.

The more his realm is in resonance with theirs, the more they can manipulate him, and the more objective their manipulations will appear. If their realms becomes virtually identical, then he is under their complete control and is part of the STS hierarchy.

Because realms are projected divisions of one’s FRV, and the FRV is a product of one’s being, it is mainly through a change in being that the realm changes. Negative forces who require a reality bridge would prefer the target’s being change toward a more negative frequency.

This would open his realm to easier penetration. So what does it take to change being? Beingness can only be changed by the individual himself, by freely choosing to make negative choices which lower his frequency and align him with the STS evolutionary current.

Anything that happens to him which violates his freewill does not change his being for the following reason:

Freewill is about choice, and one learns by facing the consequences of one’s choices. If a situation arises that does not violate freewill but rather offers choice, then if the individual later regrets making a choice, it is entirely his own fault for having done so.

Furthermore, the lesson he learns, had he learned it earlier, would have allowed him to make a different choice. In other words, it is because choice was given that his lesson has any value at all.

If he were given no choice – his freewill thus being violated – then nothing he could have learned earlier would have made any difference, and thus it wouldn’t be a lesson at all.

Therefore, freewill violations do not result in lessons for the individual, and without learning anything, his being does not change. Without a change of being, the FRV and realm boundary remains relatively unaffected.

Therefore, those who seek to influence a change in a target’s realm toward a more palatable frequency must necessarily respect his freewill.

All they can do is offer choices, biasing the choices so that the individual is more likely to choose the negative option and therefore tarnish his being.

Biased as they are, as long as they are still choices, his freewill is not violated. It’s amazing what degree of manipulation can be done which does not qualify as a freewill violation, for “permission” is a broad term.

Agents as Freelance Karmic Devices

The best way for agents not to violate freewill is to operate within the framework of an individual’s karmic lesson profile. A person comes into life with a pre-set list of what lessons to learn. It is up to him to decide how and when they are learned, factors determined by what he does with his freewill.

His FRV, being a spectrum of fundamental resonance frequencies that indicate the composition of his being, broadcasts into reality his lesson profile, which tends to attract via acausal signaling or force certain types of experiences which may offer him fulfillment of a particular lesson plan.

Matrix agents can smell a needy frequency spectrum from afar and opportunistically provide that experience.

Agents such as organic portals, FRV robots, etheric vampires, or people with a strong anima component to their psyche are examples of those whose behavior largely depends upon the lesson profile of the targeted individual.

Besides serving the function as trojan horses to allow 4D STS to better penetrate the target’s realm, they themselves are often in it for the spiritual and emotional energy they can feed upon.

They prostitute karmic lessons in exchange for energy. Individuals who succumb to their manipulations do learn lessons in the long run, but such lessons are learned the hard way.

So although agents do provide lessons, there are better ways of fulfilling one’s lesson profile, such as having foresight and gaining it without having to go through the experienced suffering.

Of course, those who cannot learn it the easy way will learn it the hard way. Whatever the case, it is important that agents respect freewill because only then will the target learn, and only then will most agents even be allowed to interact with them.

It should now be clear why matrix agents drop clues. It shifts the responsibility of what follows entirely upon the targeted individual, allows him to learn lessons, and potentially lowers his FRV so that his realm becomes more penetrable to 4D STS forces.

Were agents to not drop clues, lessons would be denied, FRV remains unaltered, and the realm stays impervious.

Additionally, some aware negative beings may wish to incur karmic debt, and so try not to violate freewill in such cases. They may also wish to avoid incurring the “wrath” of a target’s divine protection.

Freewill Violations

As to how often 4D STS are unable to violate freewill versus them choosing not to do so, it is my view that for many people, the latter is rarer.

I believe that due to divine intervention, the sovereignty of the Creator and the Higher Self, the power of the universal consciousness, realm differences, and the great deterioration of negative entities’ level of being, that it is commonly the case that 4D STS absolutely cannot carry out certain forms of manipulation, particularly murder and sabotage of life plan to a point that denies a person future lessons.

Despite their fourth density status, there are even greater powers who referee the game and keep curbs in place.

The reason I say this is because there are many individuals whom negative forces would gladly kill, but who are still alive because their destiny does not allow it.

There are many people they would like to directly sabotage, but cannot due to divine protection and realm differences. There are limits upon what they can do, of this I am certain. The fact that we still exist, that we can move in a positive direction, and that there are indeed victories for STO forces is evidence of this.

Awareness Protects both Actively and Passively

Lastly, we must revisit the concept of awareness and its active and passive protection aspects. As mentioned, awareness of reality elements binds them to freewill, keeps them in place, and essentially guards them from acausal manipulation by negative forces.

The acausal manipulation of reality can be thusly prevented by accumulating knowledge. Having knowledge alone keeps reality in place and one’s realm secured, and this forms protection. For this particular function, knowledge need not be applied, merely earned and kept.

This is also why I think the Cassiopaeans emphasized the importance of expecting attack. Whatever one expects, one’s freewill is locked upon and energy is directed toward bulwarking. Negative forces love to operate in shadows, in areas where freewill is not focused and therefore need not be engaged.

When one expects a particular method of attack, their use of such a method would mean direct engagement of one’s freewill. Aside from the possibility that they cannot violate one’s freewill because their level of being is lower, it is also true that freewill introduces nonlinearity into the dynamic and therefore makes it unpredictable.

Predictability is a necessary precondition of the success of STS attacks because their plans are intellectually conceived based on founding assumptions about the predicted nature of one’s behavior.

Thus, if they strike from the shadows of one’s field of perception, they have the highest chance for success. Passive protection of awareness is simply a method of keeping a guarded territory well lit so that freewill guards all areas of one’s reality. This works well for acausal manipulations because it keeps reality in place.

The active protection of awareness comes into play when freewill is directly engaged. Two examples are expecting a method of attack, and the phenomenon of matrix agents.

Awareness Protects both Actively and Passively

In the first case, one can expect an attack, particularly an acausal manipulation, to happen and negative forces may still decide to use that mode. One can then take acausal action, something that works through phase time, not just causally through linear time.

This involves psychic self defense methods such as declaring with firm intent that they stay back, or the various forms of prayer or visualizations and defensive thought form creations.

This is a form of active acausal action, active because it begins with awareness and an engagement of freewill, and then personal initiative to act upon it and follow through.

The second case, matrix agents, involves active protection as well but of a causal nature. By evidence of their physical presence in one’s environment and the resulting interaction, they have already been given permission and breached one’s realm boundary.

It does no good to only declare intent or use psychic self defense methods – although it can help – because they are very much physical and interacting causally with their target. Passive defense is simply a way of closing and locking doors, but in this case the “enemy” is already inside.

Active protection of awareness in this case implies taking action to counter their offenses, of noticing their warning signs and not giving in to their sly attempts to further penetrate your realm or steal your energy, and especially avoiding believing in their disinformation.

In sum, awareness is necessary to fully access or utilize one’s freewill, whether actively or passively. Like FRV, freewill is a function of one’s level of being.

As long as an individual earns his lessons, his level of being increases in proportion with his increased awareness. This balanced ratio between the two results in maximized efficiency of learning.

Unmanifested Freewill Offers Little Protection

The unfortunate situation with many humans is that we have more being than awareness, due mainly to spiritual amnesia and forced hypnosis which suppresses our awareness and leaves much freewill unused.

An ideal goal would be to gain knowledge in order to use our latent freewill.

Ironically, 4D STS have much more awareness than they have being. So rather than use their awareness to maximize their own freewill, because they lack a balanced proportion of being they instead use their awareness to manipulate the freewill of others.

One can obviously see the danger of not earning one’s knowledge, but absorbing it for free without putting in the required conscious effort to cogitate and understand what is being learned. True learning is a method of internal discovery under the guidance of external reminders, and of consciously experiencing life.

The objective truth, and the universe as a whole, exists within most conscious humans; they need merely retrieve it by conscious effort. This retrieval is of a holographic nature; one’s level of being determines the resolution of the holographic retrieval.

The more developed the being, the more accurately the inner world is a reflection of the outer. For those with impaired or underdeveloped levels of being, they truly cannot retrieve much from within themselves and must instead increase their level of being so that it resonates with a larger portion of objective truth, widening their bandwidth so to speak.

This growth of being is accomplished by gaining lessons via emotional conscious experience and possible suffering. For those who have already gone through much of this process but simply have spiritual amnesia, they need merely retrieve the treasures of knowledge already buried within themselves.

Either way, the importance of learning lessons via conscious effort or emotionally charged experience must be emphasized. The conscious core forms the gate to one’s inner vault of being.

Anything that is placed in that vault must pass through conscious perception, cognition, experience, and ultimately understanding. Without conscious perception, any gained awareness fails to enter, and does nothing to increase the level of being.

Such asymmetric knowledge becomes externally grafted, mechanical tools that atrophy the individual who becomes like a cyborg with every attachment replacing some part of his being.

He becomes slave to the utilitarianism of knowledge for the manipulation of the environment, rather than understanding its purpose in aiding spiritual evolution.

Absorbing information purely via rote memorization, learning the rules of reality as though it were a trivial game for hedonistic amusement, and failing to retrieve or confirm knowledge within oneself can all lead toward spiritual atrophy.

[This is why many of the articles on this site are written in such a way as to foster discovery, to encourage the experience of eureka, whereby ideas in these articles serve as reminders for what the reader may not have thought of yet or perhaps forgotten. 

It is why everything here is for the reader to personally confirm, whether by observation, experience, or internal confirmation. I discourage rote memorization of information here unless it’s something that cannot be internally confirmed or retrieved, such as facts that have no bearing on objective truth – names, dates, jargon are examples. 

If one truly understand something, it automatically becomes memorized because it is integrated into one’s being. Memorizing without understanding merely grafts it onto oneself].


This article has emphasized the importance of knowledge and awareness, for they are catalysts that help us better utilize our latent freewill.

It is easier to defend against reality manipulation and agent attacks with knowledge, which protects passively by itself and actively when utilized.

I have described a proper method of gaining knowledge and expanding one’s level of being, and explained why negative forces are limited in their offensive actions and tend to respect freewill.

It was the intent of this article to update and clarify the issue of freewill and awareness in the context of dealing with 4D STS and their 3D agents.

In order to discuss the idea of freewill, we must first define it. Is there a precise definition of freewill?

Freewill: Given similar conditions one could have picked something else. 

Isn't this what we truly mean while dicussing freewill? All things considered, this is actually what I mean. 

Early today I had eggs for breakfast, yet I could have eaten a blueberry biscuit. 

How might it be conceivable to have done generally given an indistinguishable circumstance? This is the genuine inquiry. 

I would state 'Yes'. Unrestrained choice is the ability to make uncoerced, eccentric decisions between similarly conceivable and fundamentally unrelated choices and to the demonstration in order to force those decisions on the surge of circumstances and logical results. In other words, in the event that you have unrestrained choice, you can genuinely make the future course of occasions be an option that is other than what it would have been on the off chance that you had not acted. You realize you will do this before you do it, and you can organize a progression of such decisions in order to have a planned future objective. This is valid, regardless of whether a portion of your decisions end up having outcomes other than what you planned. ("Unrestrained choice" need exclude "brilliant" or "skilled", significantly less "omniscient" or "supreme".) The key component is the coordination of development selections of occasions in the quest for a planned yet inaccessible objective. 

If God knows everything, God knows the future. If God knows the future, how can there be free will? Also, why does God get angry about events when he already knows what is going to happen?

Actually, I don't perceive how this is conceivable. Given precisely the same states of the universe and my mind around then I would dependably pick the eggs. 

Longer answer: since choice, to the degree it does or doesn't exist, is a part of our qualia, it is inalienably difficult to specifically contrast with the qualia of others. So as to go to a goal accord, we need an outside methods for location and estimation, which does not starting at yet exist. There are some regular standards or criteria that a few people concur upon, and these are what are ordinarily discussed. 

I think in talking about through and through freedom, you need to examine where precisely these choices originate from. When you experience a circumstance, and you are supposing on the best way to respond to that circumstance, and the decision you are going to make, where precisely is that ultimate choice originating from? What precisely is required to settle on a choice free? 

This is the issue I experience essentially whenever I have a philosophical exchange about choice, since it appears to be once you begin to get down to the quick and dirty, it turns out to be ridiculously elusive anyplace for there to be through and through freedom, and rather you're simply talking about shades of determinism.

So many answers, and so far I haven’t seen anyone present a response like mine, which I wrote in my blog last year. With permission granted by the author (me), I’ll share it here:
Can God know something that isn’t true? Can He know something that will never happen?
Does knowledge mean understanding, or the acquisition of a piece of information, or something else?
I don’t know the answer to these questions, but the fact that they are hard to answer proves that it is possible to interpret scriptural divine omniscience in different ways.
This has profound implications for our understanding of free agency and the nature of God.
Until recently I had always held a strong, nearly dogmatic, view that God knows everything, including every choice we will ever make. After all, believing otherwise seems to mean that He doesn’t know everything, and is therefore not omniscient.
  1. However, this would mean that either
    His knowledge of the future only includes what WILL happen (in which
    case He doesn’t know what COULD happen and isn’t omniscient by some definitions) or
  2. He knows all that will happen AND all that could happen, but He really doesn’t need to know about what could happen as it will never happen anyway, so the vast majority of his knowledge is utterly useless to him and everyone else.
I can now demonstrate that a god who doesn’t know exactly what we will choose to do, knows far more, or holds knowledge of far more value to us, than a god who knows our every move in advance.
The Chess Analogy
Imagine two chess players, taking turns to play against a computer. One player wrote the algorithm that the computer uses to select its moves, and has memorised every move that the computer will play in response to his moves, and so has selected a plan that will beat the computer every time, using the exact same moves.
The second player knows every possible combination and sequence of moves possible in a chess game (impossible by human standards, look it up!), but doesn’t know what algorithm the computer is using to select its next move. This player is also able to instantly judge the value of a move based on the probabilities of victory compared with all other moves.
Both players would win, but which one inspires more awe and wonder? Which one knows more? Which one is more intelligent? Which one would win regardless of the computer’s algorithm?
The Future is Fluid
You see, it doesn’t even make sense to think of the future as something fixed, frozen and waiting to be thawed out by the ever-advancing present. Not when we believe in free will. That concept means that we have an entirely independent influence on our future and, consequently, on everyone’s future too.
So the future is fluid, an infinite ocean of possibilities, only a fraction of which will ever happen, but as soon as it happens, it is no longer part of the future but of the past, which is knowable.
The future can only be spoken of as knowable if it is taken as a whole, as this infinite mass of possibilities. You can only know the future by knowing all of it, not just what will eventually happen, because that subset is subject to our free agency, and therefore cannot be known in isolation from all other possibilities.
I believe God knows the future in that mind-boggling sense, not in the sense of a defined, pre-written future.
Why is there a danger in believing that God knows everything we will do, in a predetermined sense?
Believing that someone knows our future damages our free agency
It would be so nice to know our future, right? WRONG!
We’re not faced with life-changing decisions every day (although that could be argued, as I did here), but when they come we can get crippled with Paralysis Analysis, unable to make a move for fear of making a wrong or less-than-perfect one. It’s rather normal, after all, to be concerned about the possible ramifications of a choice of partner, of a financial investment, or of career direction.
However, when you believe that God knows every choice you will make, the next logical rational thought is that there is only one choice for you to make: the one God knows you will make! So if you also believe that He can answer your prayers and give you some insights into the future (an almost universal aspect of all faiths), what would you be tempted to ask him?
God, you know what choice I will make. Can you please let me know if it’s going to be a really bad one? I know I can’t avoid making it because you already know I’m going to make it, but I’d like to be at least prepared for it, you know…
And you can see how ridiculous this becomes. Instead of focusing on the possibilities, our vision narrows down to a pessimistic, defeatist and deterministic view of the future, and of God too!
We may end up believing that there is only One perfect decision
I have a friend/relative who went through a terribly painful divorce, which came to him as a complete and utterly devastating surprise. He had somehow gone through over 20 years of marriage under the impression that he was married to “The only one” he was meant to marry. It was a “match made in heaven”, a union sealed for eternity, that nothing could erode or break down. There could be no one else beside her. Ever.
So what do you do when your core belief in “The only one” gets smashed down through divorce? At first, you may cling on, try your best to rescue it. If you feel that God told you to marry that person all these years ago, then surely He would have foreseen the break-down too and the means to restore the relationship.
And when that fails, and you slowly start to realise that yep, she’s gone mate, you’re all alone. And the kids have gone too… What do you do then? What do you believe?
Did you know, God, all these years ago, that it would end up that way? Did you encourage me to marry her just so it would end up like this? Did you REALLY know and didn’t give me even a hint?
Once again, you are depending entirely on a being who knows everything, to make your decision, AND to accept the reality of what is happening. You are not truly thinking for yourself. You can’t truly be a “free agent” if you believe that someone knows what you will do, especially if you believe that this “someone” is accessible any time of the day through an act as simple as prayer.
It warps our view of Deity
A god who knows precisely what choices we will make is limited in the following ways:
  1. He’s incapable of being surprised
  2. He has a limited knowledge because he doesn’t know what we will not do, what COULD be, he only knows what WILL be. If he does know what COULD be, it’s completely useless knowledge, and I’m not sure I could believe in a God whose knowledge is 99.99999% completely useless!
  3. To promise us free agency. he must be completely uninvolved. The slightest interference on his part, even inspiring someone to do something, rigs the “game” in his chosen direction, as he knows exactly all the repercussions of that interference. An uninvolved god is not approachable, cannot demonstrate his love, and cannot be worshipped. The only alternative is a god who doesn’t give us free agency. None of these alternatives sound very god-like to me!

Wait a minute ...
The X variable in this diagram will change your life
Its whole nature is in the diagram

Negative Forces (Seem to) Respect Freewill
Human life is too short compared to eternity. 
So I created a short description drawing and portrayed the essence of X. It will not take much of your time, a short period of time in the infinite time of eternity.

If you have comments on the diagram, please leave a comment to help me, or you can contact via Email: forresttruong@gmail.com, or contact via personal FB: 

I hope every meaningful and good thing will come to you, at least in the diagram of X.

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