Is Our Universe A Computer Software?
I. Can We Handle the Truth?
In 1940, Konrad Zuse, one of the first humans to ever put together a computer, had a revelation! While working at his computer software he compared it to how the Universe works and asked himself the following question: "Is it possible for the entire Universe to work like a giant computer?" In other words: "Are we living a virtual reality?" Probably from this idea emerged the well-known movie called "The Matrix".
Today, we have the means of creating learning robots, which are capable of expressing emotions similar to ours. We can copy and replicate all our feelings and emotions and upload them into a robot, similar to Sonny from the movie "I Robot" -- because everything is software!
Let's assume that the work is complete and the program runs smooth. The vihums have NO IDEA that they are not 'real' human beings and their world is in fact a virtual program, running on a gigantic server.
Read more: The Matrix of Control and The Secrets of Ancient History Are Locked Deep Within Your Subconscious Mind
During their so called death, the programmers explain them how special they are and teach them to act like one single organism, because they actually ARE one -- all made from the same thing (all computer programs, games or software are made from numerical patterns called BITS, a shortcut from Binary Digits. And the binary digits mean that all information is encoded in patterns of "1" and "0". Their entire program is made from 1's and 0's, from vihums to their surrounding environment. They are all bits of information).
In 1940, Konrad Zuse, one of the first humans to ever put together a computer, had a revelation! While working at his computer software he compared it to how the Universe works and asked himself the following question: "Is it possible for the entire Universe to work like a giant computer?" In other words: "Are we living a virtual reality?" Probably from this idea emerged the well-known movie called "The Matrix".
Today, we have the means of creating learning robots, which are capable of expressing emotions similar to ours. We can copy and replicate all our feelings and emotions and upload them into a robot, similar to Sonny from the movie "I Robot" -- because everything is software!
II. Pushing the Truth to the Limits
From this idea, I want to push your imagination even further. Let's assume that the US government decides to replicate our world in a PC program, similar to games like Sims or Second Life.
All they need is a good plan, great programmers & huge servers -- all achievable.
All they need is a good plan, great programmers & huge servers -- all achievable.
Next, they create virtual individuals with the exact feelings, emotions and capabilities of a regular human being. They choose to call them "vihums", from virtual humans.
The software allows them to live, eat, work, create, procreate and... die. Their planet is an exact replica of our planet and the vihums obey the same laws as we do.
The software allows them to live, eat, work, create, procreate and... die. Their planet is an exact replica of our planet and the vihums obey the same laws as we do.
The programmers start building a wonderful planet, with millions of species of trees, plants, animals, birds, fishes and insects. They decide that the vihums should start from scrap. They will have to discover fire, how to use tools and so forth. For the vihums to be different as individuals, the program spawns random characteristics for each new 'born' vihum. Now, the newly created 'Johnny' likes ice-cream and soda, while his mother likes chocolate and apple juice. In one phrase, the programmers make their lives an exact replica of our lives, and their virtual planet the same as ours.
But the programmers have one dilemma: should they also implement the necessity of sleep for their virtual humans, or is it just a loss of 'time'? Eventually, they decide that 'sleep' is a helpful feature, because they will need to constantly upgrade and improve the servers, program, features, etc. The upgrade will be implemented during one's sleep. For the human operators to directly interfere with the vihums, they decide to implement dreams, as well. Now, the operators can give suggestions to their virtual buddies about what to do, but of course is up to them if they decide to follow the dreams or not -- this is the beauty of the game.
What if we are all in a 'computer' software from another universe, and nothing is actually 'real'?
Since utilizing vertebrates to create vitality is overly wasteful. Overly very wasteful. Those outsiders had quicker than-light travel, so they had whole suns available to them. The measure of vitality produced by individuals in trance states would be so small in examination as to be ridiculous.
Besides, why try to make a counterfeit reality? On the off chance that for reasons unknown, you explicitly required living creatures, and explicitly required people, why not simply put them all in therapeutically incited trance like states? What's more, in this way spare yourself all the exertion of making and keeping up the Matrix world.
In any case, we should move in an opposite direction from the strict reason of the film towards a progressively nonexclusive "are we living in a virtual world" circumstance.
In the event that we zoom such a distance out, at that point the appropriate response is unquestionably yes. Matter is vitality, everything around us is made out of minimal arbitrary conditions of vitality that cooperate with different conditions of vitality. What's more, you either know where that little condition of vitality is, or where it's going, yet not both in the meantime. Unpleasant!
Be that as it may, I believe there's likewise a center ground, where the appropriate response is "potentially yes." Say person can assemble a computer sufficiently brilliant to fabricate a significantly more brilliant computer. (We're essentially as of now there, regardless!) Let's say this quantum computer is ground-breaking enough to mimic all detects to the extent that it feels genuine. All things considered, cell phone screens are now high-res enough that they look like genuine magazine pages! So why not?
What's the main thing you will do when you have those sort of computers? Right - you will make very practical recreations. Presently, when you play a diversion, do you favor an amusement where everything dependably goes well, or an amusement where you can possibly lose, where awful things occur? I realize that, I, for one, get in a split second tired of a diversion when I understand that I have enough lives set aside to live perpetually or when play is easy to the point that each move I make is a triumphant one.
In this way, eventually, we're certainly going to have hyper-practical diversions that are undefined from the real world, complete with its up and downs. That is guaranteed. Except if something cataclysmic happens to utilize extremely soon, we will have that.
Presently, all you need is one more advance ... an amusement that squares access to our recollections, so that once we begin playing, the diversion is everything, and we don't recall that it's a diversion.
A diversion like that would be too convincing, wouldn't it?
Presently you complete a brisk computation. Let say individual have created this innovation. Also, there was a sure timeframe - a couple of thousand years - before this innovation was imagined. Also, a specific timeframe - suppose, a great many years - after the innovation was created. It is safe to say that you are well on the way to be alive amid the prior part, or the later part? The later part, isn't that so?
Along these lines, when you conclude that it's feasible for us to have had concocted practical computer generated simulation, at that point it turns out to be amazingly plausible that we are encountering it at the present time.
Which implies, that when you get hit by a transport all of a sudden tomorrow, rather than the flames of heck, or the silvery entryways, or nothingness, you'll wake up in your comfortable rocker, remove the VR headset and go, "Hold up, that diversion was a surge! It felt like I was in there for a considerable length of time!"
Furthermore, it clarifies why the significant religions all view life as a deception, why Shakespeare considered life a phase, and every one of the general population in it just performers, and for what reason we're encouraged not to get excessively joined to common things. They're simply virtual merchandise, all things considered, similar to gold mint pieces you gather in Donkey Kong or the yields you develop in Farmville.
Also, the central issue at that point progresses toward becoming - is this a solitary player diversion or multi-player? Is every other person genuine, or a NPC?
Have you at any point gazed at your watch in a fantasy?
On the off chance that you have, you'd see that the subtleties go to pieces.
The numbers whirl, the face changes shading, you can't get an exact read.
This occurs with any detail in your fantasy universe. From various perspectives our fantasies are a great deal like the cheering groups of onlookers in games amusement, just intended to make the fantasy of thousands of people viewing.
That is on the grounds that your cerebrum can just make a recreation of life that is somewhat reasonable, yet it's not propelled enough to make a fantasy reality that is point by point as reality.
So that is my contention for us not being in a computer reproduction is that we live in a universe with such a surprising measure of detail that it is difficult to program.
In any case, that answer isn't persuading.
Something else that sustains into the computer reproduction contention is when individuals smoke DMT, the medication that researcher presume causes dreams and close passing encounters, leave their trek, they regularly state that this whole the truth is a deception.
That equivalent sort of talk is utilized by yogis and spiritualists who state we are in Maya which is the hallucination reality.
A computer reenactment is a kind of fantasy.
As Alan Watts once said
"The nose can't smell itself, and the tip of the finger can't contact itself"
Which implies that we won't see if we are in a reenactment until we are out of it.
Learn more: Mindmovies Matrix
Let's assume that the work is complete and the program runs smooth. The vihums have NO IDEA that they are not 'real' human beings and their world is in fact a virtual program, running on a gigantic server.
But the programmers are not quite satisfied yet, so they decide to spice things up. They want to -- somehow -- interact with all the vihums at the same time, but without disrupting their normal lives. So they decide to create a hidden 'grid' and connect all vihums to it. Somehow similar to the concept of “common consciousness”. The programmers are now able to see what common goals their virtual buddies have and are also able to add some suggestions into this grid.
Later, the programmers decide to create a very important, but hard to achieve “level” in the program. Those who are able to achieve it, will learn all the secrets of their world. But who are those who deserve this privilege? The programmers decide unanimously that those who are able to 'live' their lives in harmony with the program are the ones who deserve this gift.
Just like in the real world, it's not long before some of the vihums start making trouble. They disrupt the harmony and fights, crimes and murders start taking places everywhere. The programmers don't have any means to punish the trouble makers without interfering with their lives in a visible way, not to mention that they don't have the necessary time to deal with each single conflict.
They immediately understand that the only way to make this program work on a massive scale (billions of vihums) is to implement a feature able to auto-manage the program. But what feature?
Luckily, one of the programmers is very familiar with the so called “karmic law” a.k.a. cause and effect or action - reaction. Everyone understands that this is the best feature for auto-managing the program and even more importantly, it's completely fair.
Now, the vihums who generate positive things in their lives will be surrounded by harmony and bliss. Every positive action will be rewarded by this 'boomerang effect'. Not only that the positive vihums will experience wonderful lives, but they will also be able to reach that superior level in the program that allows them unlock the mysteries of their existence.
At this point, the programmers can even speed the game up. They choose to speed it up 50 times and now, their creators live 50 times longer than the vihums.
Unfortunately, at this speed, the lifespan of a vihum is very short, compared to the lives of their creators. Plus, all programmers became attached to the first generated characters and they are curious to know how their favorite vihums will evolve.
Luckily, one of them has a brilliant idea!
- “Guys, let's assume reincarnation is real,” he said. “Why don't we implement this feature in our program? Let's create a secondary program and attach some 'souls' to their bodies. After they die, the souls will enter the secondary program and plan their next incarnations. Wouldn't this be awesome?”
Everyone is excited by this idea and they soon bring the concept to a whole new level.
- “What if we actually interact with them while they are 'dead' and even help some of them plan their next incarnations?” the second programmer says, “and as soon as they respawn, they will simply forget everything that happened while ‘dead’, in the secondary program.”
The idea is gladly embraced by all and the general excitement suddenly boosts. Their favorite characters will be immortal and they will even be able to interact with them. It’s such a mind blowing idea! They start working to their new program, but they've had no idea how hard the work will be! This new program, this secondary life, is just as hard to create as the first one.
They need to implement a lot of new features, create new characters that will help & educate the vihums while dead. They call the helping characters, Angels, and allow them to access a specially-built data base, where they have access to a lot of the answers. They reward them with a permanent state of bliss for their hard work and the possibility to evolve to even higher levels, where the information becomes more and more elaborate.
They also decided that the vihums who were able to access the “hidden level” of the program and learn all the secrets, can now work in the secondary program and help their fellow vihums to achieve this level themselves.
- “It's simply useless to send them back if they've learned all the lessons. They are now much more valuable in the secondary program”, one of the programmers says.
They symbolically call them “saints”, because they behaved so good and added so much beauty into their virtual world.
The programmers have very high expectations now, because they see how easily their virtual world can become perfect. If all vihums understand the karmic law, they will most definitely create only positivity and their evolution will be fast and wonderful.
But the vihums disappoint them day after day!
At first, they begin hunting down animals for food. According to them, it is a lot easier to kill and feed, than to work the land and grow the food. They also start killing each other for materialistic possessions. This brings a lot of negative karma to their lives and they basically surround themselves with negativity from the beginning.
If we were living in a computer simulation, would it be possible to "break out"?
Simulation: is it conceivable to leave a simulation and reach base reality?
If we somehow managed to assume that we are in a simulation…
at that point we should assume that the creators of the simulation are a lot further developed than we are.
IT would appear to be impossible that a simulation could be further developed than its creators…
except if the simulation was capable of personal growth… which we potentially are. Yet at the same time, WE couldn't create a simulation this mind boggling as yet.
Also, I might want to recommend that, before we get to the stage of being able to create a simulation of this unpredictability and scale, the advancements in AI, will have surpassed our very own abilities. In which case it is possible that we will have been replaced by the AI, or have turned out to be integrated into it.
Consequently, I would postulate that in the event that we are in a simulation, at that point our creators are never again basically biological as we are… and that one conceivable reason for our simulation, could be to grow a biological form of themselves.
We will in general think that a simulation must be in an electronic sort of emulation. Be that as it may, on the off chance that the creators reality already IS electronic, at that point to them, a simulation could be biological.
The subsequent stage past computer innovation, could involve DNA type tech.
On the off chance that we imagine the structure of simulations within simulations as an inverted pyramid.
The base reality is the point at the base of the inverted pyramid.
Above the single point is a larger area of pyramid, representing the larger number of first dimension simulations.
Above that is a significantly larger area representing the second dimension simulations, and so on.
To explain, If we were base reality, at that point the main dimension simulations are all the simulations made in our reality, similar to computer games and so forth. The second dimension simulations are games made within the games, or simulations within the simulations.
This can continue as far as you can imagine, and probably further.
What is being recommended is that (probability astute) we are NOT base reality. We are instead one of the many dimension simulations above that.
On the off chance that we imagine that we are a dimension one simulation.
At that point as a dimension One, It ought to be relatively easy to create a (level Two) simulation, and then move into it. As in, wind up one of the characters. That's the way most games are done now, we take the job of a character.
What You are asking in this inquiry, is can we go the other way? Down towards the base point of the pyramid.
To do this would initially involve various advances:
1. accept the likelihood that we probably won't be at the base point.
2. understand why we are being simulated,
3. understand how our simulation level is unique in relation to its creators level.
4. see into, or recognize data from, the base dimension.
and finally,
5. sample our recollections, points of view, and personalities, and,
6. find a way to repeat them in a format compatable with the lower or base dimension reality.
We are not exactly there yet.
Things being what they are, is it conceivable at this point? No.
Is it ever liable to be conceivable? Perhaps.
In general, no. In most simulation scenarios, it would not be conceivable to leave the simulation and reach base reality.
Although that's not to say it probably won't be conceivable in certain scenarios. For example, the simulators may be able to extract your mind from the simulation and place it responsible for a robot body in the real world. Given adequately advanced innovation it may even be feasible for this "robot" to be an ideal physical replica of your biological body.
It is all around improbable you would ever escape the simulation without such assistance from the simulators. You would have to find a hack or an adventure which would enable you to gain access to frameworks outside the simulation, and this may enable you to take control of robots or different gadgets, for example, cameras or computer arranges outside the simulation. You wouldn't be in essence leaving the simulation however, you would simply be getting access to things in the real world.
Be that as it may, again, this is in all respects probably not going to be conceivable regardless of whether our reality is a simulation. All things considered, it is something to be wary of in the event that we ever do manage to create an incredibly smart AI living inside a simulation. We can expect a hyper-genius AI to be superhumanly ingenious at finding ways to apply influence on the real world, potentially to the point of adequately escaping the simulation.
During their so called death, the programmers explain them how special they are and teach them to act like one single organism, because they actually ARE one -- all made from the same thing (all computer programs, games or software are made from numerical patterns called BITS, a shortcut from Binary Digits. And the binary digits mean that all information is encoded in patterns of "1" and "0". Their entire program is made from 1's and 0's, from vihums to their surrounding environment. They are all bits of information).
But, unfortunately, as soon as they respawn into the main program, they return to their useless, negative actions.
The only solution, without interfering too much, is to send few “messengers” into their reality and educate them. Hopefully, the vihums will accept the teachings and implement them into their lives. The programmers decide that the Angels and Saints should be allowed to incarnate once again if they decide to, but with much higher access into the secondary program. They will be guided and helped during their infancy and helped to remember who they are and what their missions are. Similar to our Jesus Christ and to other spiritual teachers.
But, unfortunately, most of the vihums are not very receptive. Some of them don't believe a word, others accept the knowledge but don't know how and what to change. The more powerful vihums perceive them as a threat to their small “empires” and decide to eliminate them.
Only few of the vihums are able to make a difference, but because they are either oppressed by the society or misunderstood, they decide to retreat into the mountains. They create small communities there and live in harmony with the entire Creation -- just like the Buddhist monks and other spiritual communities.
The human programmers are very disappointed. All their efforts were in vain! Some of the vihums even created false cults and religions to benefit from the naivety of the others. They raised great fortunes preaching lies, and promoting them as facts. Instead of teaching the vihums how to achieve perfection and how to live in harmony, they confuse and scare them with a lot of nonsense and apocalyptic theories.
The programmers see all their efforts trashed!
Speeding the program even more, they now see a very evolved species of vihums, very similar to ours. There are small differences, of course, in fields like architecture, fashion or transportation. But seeing the wider picture, the vihums and their creators evolved in a very similar way. The programmers are now scared to watch into the future. The ongoing wars and powerful weapons are a constant threat to the fragile balance of their world.
The creators simply don't want their hard work to be destroyed, so they slow the speed down and start searching for solutions. They want to help the vihums overcome all challenges.
III. The Final Stage
In order to find a solution, the programmers decide to create other worlds and other species, but only slightly similar to the vihums. The more diverse they are, the better the experiment. They want to see what it takes for a species to discover perfection.
Now, the creators assign themselves an even more difficult mission: to create an entire Universe, with thousands, or maybe millions of different inhabited planets and variations of vihums. Of course, it would be useless to create only original vihums everywhere in the Universe. The programmers already know almost everything about them, so they decide to create totally different worlds. These newly created species will look different, think different, communicate in different ways and they will even obey slightly different laws.
After several years, the programmers were able to create thousands of different species, only slightly similar to the original vihums. All these species and their home planets are now part of the same, gigantic, virtual program.
Now, let us assume for a second that you are a vihum yourself, living in a completely virtual world, part of an elaborate program. Would you be aware of it?
Wait a minute ...
The X variable in this diagram will change your life
Its whole nature is in the diagram
Human life is too short compared to eternity.
So I created a short description drawing and portrayed the essence of X. It will not take much of your time, a short period of time in the infinite time of eternity.
If you have comments on the diagram, please leave a comment to help me, or you can contact via Email:, or contact via personal FB:
I hope every meaningful and good thing will come to you, at least in the diagram of X.
The X variable in this diagram will change your life
Its whole nature is in the diagram

So I created a short description drawing and portrayed the essence of X. It will not take much of your time, a short period of time in the infinite time of eternity.
If you have comments on the diagram, please leave a comment to help me, or you can contact via Email:, or contact via personal FB:
I hope every meaningful and good thing will come to you, at least in the diagram of X.
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