The Matrix of Control and The Secrets of Ancient History Are Locked Deep Within Your Subconscious Mind
You may feel that our world / life has something wrong, but you don't know what it is. A huge and invisible fin net, it controls life. Why does this happen to some people? And some people don't see anything? It is due to qualifications and beliefs. Recognizing the world in the way of mathematics, we are under the control and influence of the Matrix. We are stuck. We all E.T.s trapped in an existance. The Matrix - Saturn & The Moon Matrix.
We all E.T.s trapped in an existance, perception blocked by Saturns radio emissions. We all think its the end but really maybe its just consciousness shiftin to a new recognition. And come again like a new wave bringin in new fishes from older days, and the time comes so ya betta start readyin cuz mothafucka its almost armageddeon. And they usin the moon, to bounce sine waves back and forth from saturn its true. Look at the planet, or mabye a dwarf star looks like its got an antenna & Goes far. Distant alien organisms communicating with earth & creating a schism
The world I know is goin' away.
The world I love is goin' away
All inside - Fading away.
Come again?
Mark of the beast dollar bill thrills, look at the triangle its a pyramid still. If we could see the ocean bed floors we'd know what was in store and we'd run for seven scores like atlantis the ocean floor is buries and all the knowledge and lies seem to be carefully carried and the time comes so ya betta start readyin cuz mothafucka its almost armageddeon. And they usin the moon, to bounce sine waves back and forth from saturn its true. DISTANT ALIEN ORGANISMS, communicating with earth creating a schism Mental aviation created by negligence and ties and separation.
She felt there was something else she was supposed to be doing, yet she found herself “stuck” repeating the same toxic relationship patterns. As with so many people, a deep-rooted, subconscious fear was keeping her from moving forward in life, a knowing that had led her to the most unusual of places.
She found herself lying back in a comfy recliner chair, in the deepest of hypnotic states, in front of the world’s most renowned past-life regression therapists, Dolores Cannon.
Rachel’s subconscious voice described what she was seeing:
“There are big columns on either side, I’m looking out onto the water… there are many people... dressed like servants…”
But Rachel could see that she was unlike these servants. She was dressed like royalty, gold jewelry and all, hair eloquently pinned on top of her head. She was young, and held feelings of resistance towards her life and duties as a royal.
“I have duties, royal functions… they’re boring… listening to formal speeches, sitting for hours…”
Dolores crept in, “Why do you have to attend these things?“
“I’m part of the royal family, I have to. They think we are gods, but we are not. They don’t understand, we share alien blood.”
“What do you mean?” Dolores asked.
“We [royalty] know more, we have more technology, it’s the bloodline between the aliens and the humans. Not many know the truth, but a long time ago, the aliens chose some to rule in their absence. And they mated with my ancestors.”
Dolores was very intrigued. She asked, “Were they ruling in the beginning?“
“Yes, they controlled the humans, but they haven’t been with us for centuries now.”
“And they chose certain humans to rule in their absence? Were they good rulers?“
“No,” Rachel said. “They used the humans as slaves. They considered the humans to be sub-creatures, almost like an animal, but a little bit better.“
“Do you know why they came here in the first place?“
“There was something in the Earth, some minerals, something that they needed. The humans had no power. They were like slaves. They used them to help get the minerals. And then to grow the food, and to take care of them. And they have left.“
“And that is why they chose certain people to – what’s the word – interbreed with?” Dolores asked.
“They mated with the humans. And then these offspring were chosen to rule in their absence. There was conflict on their home planet. There were wars. They had to leave,” Rachel explained.
“I was just wondering what caused the wars. What did the other groups want?“
“Control of galaxies. The history goes back so far. Whole races, worlds destroyed, but always survivors that went to other places and then took over there. And then it started over again – more warfare. And the people of this planet, they think we’re gods or descendants of gods,” Rachel’s subconscious voice explained.
“But your ancestors had to leave because of the wars?“
“They were forced to leave, they lost. The winners made them leave. We’re now an experiment. They’re watching. They’re protecting. They’re not letting any more interference to occur.”
“Why do you call it an experiment?” Dolores asked.
“We’re a mixture of many races, but mainly the original race. The original ones who used the humans. The winners stopped the continuation of the experiments. [Now] they’re watching to see what happens.“
“So they didn’t like it when the other ones came in and did negative things?“
“They stopped that. They stopped the warfare. Now they are allowing the people to develop, but only a few know the truth.”
Rachel’s subconscious went on to describe how she felt alone in this lifetime. The bloodline had given her unique gifts, psychic abilities, seen as immense power during that time.
But there was an ongoing struggle for power among the people. Others with bad intentions were manipulating people with these gifts for their own benefit. Rachel told Dolores that she was being targeted by these power-hungry people.
Sadly, Rachel describes how she ultimately decided to end her own life in that particular lifetime, jumping from her balcony and falling to a rocky surface.
Related: The Authorities that Control Our Consciousness and Subconscious
As with any past-life session, Dolores asked Rachel’s subconscious why she was shown that specific lifetime, to which she explained that Rachel has carried over an inability to trust and open up to others because of how she was used and taken advantage of in that lifetime.
Fear had become a forerunner in Rachel’s life, keeping her stagnated in toxic relationships, keeping her from attaining her full potential.
But by discovering where these emotional blocks stem from, Rachel was able to release them from her current life, helping her to move forward. “She can no longer be controlled,” Rachel’s subconscious concluded.
The previous account comes from Dolores’s latest book, The Search for Hidden, Sacred Knowledge, a collection of various client past-life regression sessions that paint an incredible picture of human history and the concept of reincarnation.
This concept, a central tenet in many Eastern philosophies and religions, describes a grand cycle in which our soul, the eternal core aspect of our self, never really “dies” in conventional terms. Rather, the soul continues on after death in one lifetime, eventually replanting itself into a new physicality thereon after.
But sometimes, traumas that have not been addressed in one lifetime are so painful and severe that they leave an imprint onto the soul, energetically carrying over into the next life, manifesting in numerous ways. This is where Dolores’s regressive hypnosis therapy comes into play.
Dolores’s Quantum Hypnosis Technique, a powerful hypnosis method now taught around the globe, has the remarkable ability to tap into the subconscious mind, inducing the deepest of trance-like states, while helping people navigate through traumas and memories sealed in the furthest corners of their psyche.
Once a client is shown where these certain traumas stem from, such as from a past life, they are then able to purge these blockages, helping them to move forward from issues in their current lifetime.
The experiences described from her client sessions are fantastical no doubt, yet they always find a way to spark a latent curiosity in her readers, or perhaps even a latent “knowing” that these experiences reveal unspoken truths regarding mankind’s existence in a vastly convoluted universe.
While skeptics are quick to denote her books as incredible works of fiction, the thousands of people who’ve worked with Dolores in hypnotic sessions tell a different story. Here is what Dolores had to say about skeptics in a previous interview with The Edge:
The Search For Hidden, Sacred Knowledge may challenge materialist scientific dogmas, specifically with regards to the concept of past-lives and reincarnation, however what can’t be refuted is the myriad of anecdotal accounts of people’s lives that have been changed for the better due to regressive hypnotic therapy.
The book evokes wondrous questions about man’s purpose and journey in the universe, but beyond all else, provides a breathtaking visualization and look into our spiritual nature.
If you are ready to have your mind blown, check out Dolores’s book, The Search For Hidden, Sacred Knowledge.
This article is dedicated to the work of a woman who changed my life, who made the transition from this world on October 18, 2014. May your work continue to inspire and impact the lives of so many people.
The Matrix of Control and the Projection of a Fake Reality from within Our Solar System
We all E.T.s trapped in an existance, perception blocked by Saturns radio emissions. We all think its the end but really maybe its just consciousness shiftin to a new recognition. And come again like a new wave bringin in new fishes from older days, and the time comes so ya betta start readyin cuz mothafucka its almost armageddeon. And they usin the moon, to bounce sine waves back and forth from saturn its true. Look at the planet, or mabye a dwarf star looks like its got an antenna & Goes far. Distant alien organisms communicating with earth & creating a schism
The world I know is goin' away.
The world I love is goin' away
All inside - Fading away.
Come again?
Mark of the beast dollar bill thrills, look at the triangle its a pyramid still. If we could see the ocean bed floors we'd know what was in store and we'd run for seven scores like atlantis the ocean floor is buries and all the knowledge and lies seem to be carefully carried and the time comes so ya betta start readyin cuz mothafucka its almost armageddeon. And they usin the moon, to bounce sine waves back and forth from saturn its true. DISTANT ALIEN ORGANISMS, communicating with earth creating a schism Mental aviation created by negligence and ties and separation.
The Secrets of Ancient History Are Locked Deep Within Your Subconscious Mind – This is How You Can Access It
Rachel was a freelance writer for newspapers and magazines. She had a great thirst for knowledge and the unknown, and yearned to propel herself forward both professionally and personally.She felt there was something else she was supposed to be doing, yet she found herself “stuck” repeating the same toxic relationship patterns. As with so many people, a deep-rooted, subconscious fear was keeping her from moving forward in life, a knowing that had led her to the most unusual of places.
She found herself lying back in a comfy recliner chair, in the deepest of hypnotic states, in front of the world’s most renowned past-life regression therapists, Dolores Cannon.
How can one go deeper into the subconscious mind?
Mind is most muddled organ in this world. Do you know intensity of your mind? Your mind vitality can light an electric globule.
Realities About Human Brain
In the event that you need to be glad and effective in your life, at that point you should know and think carefully. You may have an inquiry, "How we can be fruitful by realizing our brain?"Reason is basic that our schools and universities have not shown us anything this. So perused full article and you will find your solution.
In the event that we think about human mind and super PCs, you will find that PCs are nothing before cerebrum. Our mind is quicker than super PCs. In numerous man-made reasoning tests it is a demonstrated truth. Our cerebrum can complete ten quadrillion tasks for each second, and super PCs are not by any means nearer to this speed.
We have two pieces of our cerebrum cognizant and sub cognizant. We have just talked about intensity of subliminal personality in our past web journals. In the event that anything spans to your sub cognizant personality, at that point it moves toward becoming reality eventually. So whatever you trust you can accomplish. On the off chance that you can envision that you will wind up extremely rich person, at that point it is conceivable, all things considered, too.
Whoever contact people groups are here, they straightforwardly or in a roundabout way know to utilize their subliminal personality. Lion's share people groups on the planet don't know about this.
Intelligent Working of Subconscious Mind
When anything ranges to your subliminal personality, at that point it changes your body vibrations.
Your body is only vibrations of proton, neutron and electrons.Your body is vitality in a specific vibration.Your emotions are identified with vibrations.You are feeling great and cheerful; it implies your vibrations are high.
On the off chance that anyone is feeling dismal, it implies his vibration is low.When you ask people groups, how are you, they won't state that his vibrations is high or low. He will say that basically he is glad or dismal, however in real terms, either his vibrations is high or low.
So it is easy to be glad, in the event that you figure out how to control and manage your intuitive personality. Your intuitive personality is open, you need to fill it with constructive contemplations and expel contrary considerations.
When you get up in morning, while at the same time laying in bed, you need to rehash positive attestations and envision your fantasies, with the goal that it will achieve your subliminal personality.
Same thing should be possible just before dozing. Your sub cognizant personality is increasingly dynamic at these times.Most imperative approach to impact your sub cognizant personality is reflection and unwinding.
I am giving here with trap to enter in your subliminal personality.
- It would be ideal if you close your eyes.
- Attempt to discharge your psyche and accomplish a negligent state.
- After that envision your fantasy and give full focus on those fantasies.
- Try not to enable another idea to come as a main priority.
- Attempt to be in this state for somewhere around 2 minutes.
- At that point open your eyes.
How it functions
Assume you have a fantasy to buy a Bungalow. It is likewise have vibrations of proton, neutron and electrons. What's more, your body additionally has vibrations. When you consider Bungalow, your body endeavors to coordinate vibrations of Bungalow.
Enormous vitality continues attempting this thing. On the off chance that you are rehashing these considerations, following couple of days you will end up in that Bungalow. Whatever you think you draw in those things as it were.
Negative things like indignation, stress, strain, disease everything go under lower vibrations.
After contemplation you will find that you are in a condition of higher vibrations, tranquil and quiet.
Yoga (Meditation) will give high vibrations. We generally hear that think positive, why reasons are that positive reasoning lifts your vibrations. Furthermore, negative reasoning outcomes into lower vibrations. Social administration with no profits will give your higher vibrations. So dependably feed creatures like cow, bull and so on. Help poor youngster's and give gifts for honorable work.
In this manner with assistance of our intuitive personality, we get higher vibrations and vitality. Also, with this vitality we can accomplish anything wanted.
“There are big columns on either side, I’m looking out onto the water… there are many people... dressed like servants…”
But Rachel could see that she was unlike these servants. She was dressed like royalty, gold jewelry and all, hair eloquently pinned on top of her head. She was young, and held feelings of resistance towards her life and duties as a royal.
“I have duties, royal functions… they’re boring… listening to formal speeches, sitting for hours…”
Dolores crept in, “Why do you have to attend these things?“
“I’m part of the royal family, I have to. They think we are gods, but we are not. They don’t understand, we share alien blood.”
“What do you mean?” Dolores asked.
“We [royalty] know more, we have more technology, it’s the bloodline between the aliens and the humans. Not many know the truth, but a long time ago, the aliens chose some to rule in their absence. And they mated with my ancestors.”
Dolores was very intrigued. She asked, “Were they ruling in the beginning?“
“Yes, they controlled the humans, but they haven’t been with us for centuries now.”
“And they chose certain humans to rule in their absence? Were they good rulers?“
“No,” Rachel said. “They used the humans as slaves. They considered the humans to be sub-creatures, almost like an animal, but a little bit better.“
“Do you know why they came here in the first place?“
“There was something in the Earth, some minerals, something that they needed. The humans had no power. They were like slaves. They used them to help get the minerals. And then to grow the food, and to take care of them. And they have left.“
“And that is why they chose certain people to – what’s the word – interbreed with?” Dolores asked.
“They mated with the humans. And then these offspring were chosen to rule in their absence. There was conflict on their home planet. There were wars. They had to leave,” Rachel explained.
“I was just wondering what caused the wars. What did the other groups want?“
“Control of galaxies. The history goes back so far. Whole races, worlds destroyed, but always survivors that went to other places and then took over there. And then it started over again – more warfare. And the people of this planet, they think we’re gods or descendants of gods,” Rachel’s subconscious voice explained.
“But your ancestors had to leave because of the wars?“
“They were forced to leave, they lost. The winners made them leave. We’re now an experiment. They’re watching. They’re protecting. They’re not letting any more interference to occur.”
“Why do you call it an experiment?” Dolores asked.
“We’re a mixture of many races, but mainly the original race. The original ones who used the humans. The winners stopped the continuation of the experiments. [Now] they’re watching to see what happens.“
“So they didn’t like it when the other ones came in and did negative things?“
“They stopped that. They stopped the warfare. Now they are allowing the people to develop, but only a few know the truth.”
Rachel’s subconscious went on to describe how she felt alone in this lifetime. The bloodline had given her unique gifts, psychic abilities, seen as immense power during that time.
But there was an ongoing struggle for power among the people. Others with bad intentions were manipulating people with these gifts for their own benefit. Rachel told Dolores that she was being targeted by these power-hungry people.
Sadly, Rachel describes how she ultimately decided to end her own life in that particular lifetime, jumping from her balcony and falling to a rocky surface.
Related: The Authorities that Control Our Consciousness and Subconscious
As with any past-life session, Dolores asked Rachel’s subconscious why she was shown that specific lifetime, to which she explained that Rachel has carried over an inability to trust and open up to others because of how she was used and taken advantage of in that lifetime.
Fear had become a forerunner in Rachel’s life, keeping her stagnated in toxic relationships, keeping her from attaining her full potential.
But by discovering where these emotional blocks stem from, Rachel was able to release them from her current life, helping her to move forward. “She can no longer be controlled,” Rachel’s subconscious concluded.
The previous account comes from Dolores’s latest book, The Search for Hidden, Sacred Knowledge, a collection of various client past-life regression sessions that paint an incredible picture of human history and the concept of reincarnation.
This concept, a central tenet in many Eastern philosophies and religions, describes a grand cycle in which our soul, the eternal core aspect of our self, never really “dies” in conventional terms. Rather, the soul continues on after death in one lifetime, eventually replanting itself into a new physicality thereon after.
But sometimes, traumas that have not been addressed in one lifetime are so painful and severe that they leave an imprint onto the soul, energetically carrying over into the next life, manifesting in numerous ways. This is where Dolores’s regressive hypnosis therapy comes into play.
Dolores’s Quantum Hypnosis Technique, a powerful hypnosis method now taught around the globe, has the remarkable ability to tap into the subconscious mind, inducing the deepest of trance-like states, while helping people navigate through traumas and memories sealed in the furthest corners of their psyche.
Once a client is shown where these certain traumas stem from, such as from a past life, they are then able to purge these blockages, helping them to move forward from issues in their current lifetime.
The experiences described from her client sessions are fantastical no doubt, yet they always find a way to spark a latent curiosity in her readers, or perhaps even a latent “knowing” that these experiences reveal unspoken truths regarding mankind’s existence in a vastly convoluted universe.
While skeptics are quick to denote her books as incredible works of fiction, the thousands of people who’ve worked with Dolores in hypnotic sessions tell a different story. Here is what Dolores had to say about skeptics in a previous interview with The Edge:
“There’s no way on Earth I could make this stuff up. I have [17] books out there now, and all of it has come through the cases I have worked on with the average person just walking in off the street. I did not know these people until they came through the door of my office, from every walk of life you can imagine: CEOs of companies, professors of colleges, priests, shamans, and many ordinary people.Her numerous books explore such fascinating topics as past lives, extra-terrestrials, life on other planets, energy healing, famous historic figures such as Nostradamus and Jesus, abductions, and much more.
“I have not found anyone who has not had a past life. When I began writing The Convoluted Universe series, I wondered if anybody out there would be able to understand it, because I said that book is for people who want their minds bent like pretzels. People when they read it say, ‘I know this and I don’t know how I know it, but I know it and I know it’s true.’”
The Search For Hidden, Sacred Knowledge may challenge materialist scientific dogmas, specifically with regards to the concept of past-lives and reincarnation, however what can’t be refuted is the myriad of anecdotal accounts of people’s lives that have been changed for the better due to regressive hypnotic therapy.
The book evokes wondrous questions about man’s purpose and journey in the universe, but beyond all else, provides a breathtaking visualization and look into our spiritual nature.
If you are ready to have your mind blown, check out Dolores’s book, The Search For Hidden, Sacred Knowledge.
This article is dedicated to the work of a woman who changed my life, who made the transition from this world on October 18, 2014. May your work continue to inspire and impact the lives of so many people.
By Jeff Roberts, Collective Evolution
How can I better exploit my subconscious?
Practice clear envisioning. That, I accept, is the most reasonable approach to intentionally get to your subconscious. The other way is reflection, yet it is much harder to accomplish the objective that you requested and takes a great deal of time and tolerance. In any case, contemplation is unquestionably progressively advantageous for your wellbeing and mind.
- A fantasy is truly an immediate association with the considerations coasting in the subconscious domain.
- We have fears, wants, feelings, outrage, pleasure and a wide range of sentiments covered up in our subconscious domain which we generally don't understand while being cognizant. Amid dreams, at least one of those emotions rise to the top, and influence your mind to acknowledge as though that is genuine.
- Be that as it may, in the event that you can initiate your cognizant mind inside your fantasy, you can speak with your subconscious. That is known as clarity, or to know inside a fantasy that you are envisioning.
- A few people have expressed that they have actually chatted with their subconscious mindfulness in their fantasies. What's more, that is a captivating knowledge. Here are a portion of the focuses about rehearsing clear dreams, which you will discover in any clear envisioning website.
So as to accomplish clear envisioning, the main thing you have to do is to prepare your mind for reviewing your fantasies with however much lucidity as could be expected. Do this by keeping up a fantasy journal, a note pad to compose and spare your fantasies. Ensure you record your fantasy ordinary morning directly after you wake up. Try not to begin reviewing following waking. Or maybe, keep up your dozing stance and don't move by any means. Keep completely still and attempt to review everything that you saw or felt in your fantasy. When you are careful with it, get your journal and record everything that you can recollect. Continue doing this for a considerable length of time. Always composing your fantasy regular will in the long run train your mind to have considerably clearer and striking practical dreams.
Next, you should be cognizant inside your fantasy. For that, make it a propensity to complete a couple of things when you are alert. Like, endeavor to pressure you to disclose more than what would have been prudent through the divider (delicately obviously), or take a gander at your clock to check whether the markings are set up. In reality, they will pursue the laws of material science. Always ask yourself in your mind, am I envisioning ? Preparing yourself to do these things continually will influence your mind to do a similar thing inside your fantasy by reflex. When you pressure you into taking a potentially rash action through a divider inside a fantasy, your hand will 'go through it' on the grounds that the laws of material science don't need to be obeyed in the virtual world that your mind makes. Furthermore, that will be your 'goodness my god' minute :) Once you accomplish clarity, speaking with your subconscious mind will be genuinely less demanding.
Wait a minute ...
The X variable in this diagram will change your life
Its whole nature is in the diagram
Human life is too short compared to eternity.
So I created a short description drawing and portrayed the essence of X. It will not take much of your time, a short period of time in the infinite time of eternity.
If you have comments on the diagram, please leave a comment to help me, or you can contact via Email:, or contact via personal FB:
I hope every meaningful and good thing will come to you, at least in the diagram of X.
The X variable in this diagram will change your life
Its whole nature is in the diagram

So I created a short description drawing and portrayed the essence of X. It will not take much of your time, a short period of time in the infinite time of eternity.
If you have comments on the diagram, please leave a comment to help me, or you can contact via Email:, or contact via personal FB:
I hope every meaningful and good thing will come to you, at least in the diagram of X.
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